Sunday 13 March 2011

Replacing the "N-Word" with "Robot" in Huck Finn: Funded

Target: $6,000 Pledged: $30,030

The title says it all on this one. Apparently the "N-Word" is too controversial nowadays, and there is a plan to replace it with the word "slave" in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Despite the fact that according to one comment, Jim is called the "N-Word" because he is a freed slave, and so renaming him as a slave undermines his whole character. I'm not sure on that fact since I've never read the book, but it did seem like an attempt to sanitise history.

Anyway, in a kind of protest, the creators of this project will be replacing Jim with a robot - including the illustrations.

My reward will include a hard-copy version of the book and an additional print of one of the illustrations. Since they received 5 times as much as they were asking for, there was a suggestion that the book would now be a fancy hardback.

I'm hoping that this one will move fairly quickly, since the text seems to be at the proof-reading stage. There's still the illustrations and cover design, so we'll see.

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